From time to time I'm asked to come up with a few different ideas, one of which will hopefully be selected to follow through to a finished item. Back in 2013 when The Beano was approaching it's 75 year, I did a few cover designs for the landmark birthday issue. This was one that wasn't used. As you can see it's VERY rough, just a doodle. Interesting idea, ALL the many Beano characters over the years were supposed to be bursting out of a Birthday present package with '75' wrapping paper. There's the Iron Fish even! Anyway, it wasn't selected, but here it is, another casualty from the reject pile.
I like it...
I can remember a lot of characters, but not which comic they were in: collectively in primary school we would get Topper and Beezer as well as Dandy and Beano. My mum wouldn't let me have the cartoony ones, I had to have Rover, which became Rover and Adventure, because it had 'proper' stories in columns and characters like Wally Brand, the Ball of Fire - a footballer not a super-hero, and Bomber Braddock, with tales of war-time and Empire derring-do. So I wasn't very popular when it came to swaps. I can remember Lord Snooty, Big Heep and Little Heep, Roger the Dodger, Winker Watson, Little Plum ... but not which comics they were in.
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