Remember that Mail on Sunday BEANO special edition- given away free in April but containing all-new stuff? Well, more recently we've done some other one-offs- such as for Holiday Inn, who's guests were delivered a free BEANO last week with their newspapers, and Brewer's Fayre restaurants. So, to get to the point, if you've got one of these special issues (not the Mail on Sunday one), let me know- I can't get hold of a copy anywhere from anyone! I'll throw in a prize for you in return if you like! So tell everyone you know, don't throw out that free BEANO, it's a valuable item to ME at least!
Hi Nigel!
Don't know about the Holiday Inn, but I picked one up from the Brewers Fayre. Is this the one you were thinking off?
Yes, that's the one! What would you like as a prize?
Let me know where to send it :)
Hi Nigel -
Are you still looking for the Beano freebies? I have issue 2 of the Beano Brewers Fayre edition. If you'd like me to send it on to you, let me know. I'd be happy to do so. Steve
Got the Brewer's Fayre ones, ta, have been promised the Holiday In n one but could do with a second. Thanks everyone.
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