Sunday, 21 September 2014

New Comic Number One

Rumours that the British Comic Industry is moribund continue to be proven wrong as several brand new comics are due to be published over the next 30 days or so. Here's the first, FUNNY MONSTERS COMIC a splendid little thing by Joe Matthews, available in newsagents in the North West and Midlands next week. Give it a go, looks good. (Don't worry, I'm not involved, I just wanted you to know about it).

Read all about it and get a copy here at this link:

Loopy Lee Faces 60

Lee Cornes, the actor, will be celebrating a Big Birthday next month- so let's wish him many happy returns, right away- and I'll be that even if you don't know his name, you'll have enjoyed his work at some time or other.
He's probably best known for three TV series he appeared in, Grange Hill, where he was a Chemistry teacher, in the 1990s, and as seedy psychotic Publican Dick Head in the Late great Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson's sitcom Bottom, and as Colin Watkin's boozy pal in the under-rated sitcom Colin's Sandwich, starring another Late great, Mel Smith. There's a slim chance one or two readers will recall The Wow Show, the comedy troupe who broke the rules and then shot the rules, in two radio series and many stage, TV and club appearances. They often ended a club show by liberating the audience into the street and running off into the night- end of show!
The Wow show was Lee Cornes, Steve Frost, Mark Elliot and Mark Arden, who in 2004 asked me to produce this cartoon précis of Lee's life and career!
Visit Lee's own page here:
Happy Birthday, Lee!

Self Portrait. Who's it of?

Here's me. Blue suede shows, as ever, and last year's Dennis-lite jersey. I don't really use an easel and palette but I do draw Dennis The Menace in The Beano. Any guesses what this was drawn for?

Beano Readers Of Several Generations

A few months ago, The Beano published this photo of two Beano readers, one aged 84 and one aged 4. The truth can now be told, the younger one is my Great Niece, Ella, the ever so slightly older one is my Mum, her Great Granny, who, it would seem, no longer feels embarrassment when the neighbours ask what my job is. Hurrah.

The Truth of It Is.... Miranda was Acting!

As there has been some debate over the appreciation shown by my pal Miranda over the publication of her Minnie The Minx appearance in The Beano three weeks ago, in posts on Facebook and Twitter, can I assure all that she knew it was going to be published, was greatly looking forward to it, and not only appreciated it but is proud of it, and the picture of her looking 'shocked' was a posed photo where she was acting as if she was laughing heartily. I thought it was funny and 'pretended' it was a look of surprise or shock. Anyway, to prove it was a gag, here's a picture taken just before that one, and as you can see, she's happy. Now, can we accept it as all posed?

Colourists Part Five

As regular Blog readers will know, I have had several different people colouring for me over the years (in 2015 it will be ten whole years since my regular favourite ace colourist Nika started doing my colouring - celebratory party surely on the horizon) but I'll wager you didn't know there is an old, highly regarded Art shop in Bloomsbury, London, just yards from the British Museum, L. Cornelissens, where you can go and actually buy a colourman? It says so right above the door! So, if ever you need one, that's the place to go.

I think I've got that right.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Three Exciting New Projects in the Works

I've got three exciting new projects in the works (but you know that, if you read the title). One is a new monthly comic strip-based magazine, another is a collection of old pages of mine, but with a fair chunk of never-published stuff, and the third is so unlikely and unexpected that I still can't quite imagine how on earth I got involved.
Needless to say, all will be revealed eventually, the first of these in a couple of weeks time. No pictures yet, but soon!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Don't Bin Those Freebies!

Remember that Mail on Sunday BEANO special edition- given away free in April but containing all-new stuff? Well, more recently we've done some other one-offs- such as for Holiday Inn, who's guests were delivered a free BEANO last week with their newspapers, and Brewer's Fayre restaurants. So, to get to the point, if you've got one of these special issues (not the Mail on Sunday one), let me know- I can't get hold of a copy anywhere from anyone! I'll throw in a prize for you in return if you like! So tell everyone you know, don't throw out that free BEANO, it's a valuable item to ME at least!

Monday, 1 September 2014

World Domination?

Last Wednesday's Beano featured a Minnie The Minx strip with a Make-up artist in it- but, in a never-ending effort to bring you a realistic experience, we went to the ends of the earth to find you a genuine make-up artist, not some fictional one. Luckily, we found one in NW8 so that's not too far really. this post from 2010 for a bit more info.
Yes, here's Miranda, who some of you more mature readers may recognise (as she hasn't changed a bit!) from her previous job as saxophone player in The Bodysnatchers and then The Belle Stars, over 30 years ago. (Quite how she could blow that sax aged only about 5 to judge from this photo taken yesterday is beyond me). She's been one of the top make-up artists for over twenty five years now, self-taught and very much in demand. Last week, when getting into a taxi, the driver took a look at her and said "didn't you used to be in The Belle Stars"? Well, I guess it's a Sign of the Times. See
As to the contents of that tube... if you see either of us, feel free to ask.