Sunday, 17 July 2011

Who's this?

Any ideas?

I know.
And all is revealed!


Spencer said...

Is it "Little Bruno Mars"!!!??

NP said...

No. Anyone want a clue?

Peter Gray said...

P5 from the Dandy the school story you did?

NP said...

I don't remember doing a Dandy school story?
Anyway- NO! A clue tomorrow!

Peter Gray said...

I think I was thinking of Jim Hanson school strip P5 I'd thought you'd might have done one for an annual/summer special..

anyway we need a clue:)

Harry Rickard said...

Is it a little celeb?

If not I'm going for a new character in the Dandy or Beano. :)

Lew Stringer said...

Peanut, given a makeover?

James Spiring said...

Two days later ain't tomorrow, Nigel! :p

Little Barack Obama?

NP said...

Clue 1:
He's bigger than a breadbox. No, real clue 1:
Not a 'Little'.

George Shiers said...

Is it that kid who used to appear on the cover of The Beano eating a watermelon?

Bruce Laing said...

Would this be an older version of Todd (of Jak and Todd fame)?

NP said...

Clue 2 tomorrow...

NP said...

He's not in the Dandy....

James Spiring said...

If it's not The Dandy, I'm fresh out of ideas! Doesn't seem to fit anyone from the Beano either.

NP said...

Maybe.....just maybe, it's a new character....

James Williams said...

Lord Snooty the 4th??

NP said...

"Lord Snooty the 4th??" eh?

George Shiers said...

Is it Dangerous Dan? A brilliant new comic strip starting in this weeks Beano?