Nigel Parkinson

Nigel Parkinson

Thursday 3 March 2011

Rescued from oblivion!

This Beano from October 25th 2002 (left) was my attempt at a homage to the likes of Dick Sprang and Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson, as it's a re-creation of a famous 1940 BATMAN cover of Batman and Robin in a searchlight. But interestingly, it was my second attempt at a cover for this Halloween issue - I had initially drawn this (below) rather eerie picture with spooky smoke and devilish glow but I sort of self-censored myself and thought it was too ghoulish! So, without submitting it, I started again and did the Batman pastiche.

This wan't the first time I'd gone to the trouble of re-drawing something. At least two other Beano covers were drawn more than once (one was another Halloween cover from the year before, and another was Dennis as a judge which I drew from THREE different angles!) They exist as full complete cover illustrations, hand-coloured by me. No idea what to do with them.


Kid said...

Very nice indeed - both versions.

Peter Gray said...

Nice seeing your thought process...look forward to more..

Harry Rickard said...

I liked the frist version more although both look great, the eeriness of the first one is great, the red smoke really creates a scary atmosphere!

George Shiers said...

Hi Nigel - It was from reading your Dennis the menace cartoons that I learnt to draw! I would show you some drawings but I cant attach them! Cant thank you enough! George - age 13!

NP said...

Hello George - ah well, as long as you enjoy drawing, that's the most important thing.

George Shiers said...

Hi nigel, If you want to see some I've put some on my whizzer and chips fan site:


NP said...

Keep it up! Drawing is good for the brain and keeps you happy. Don't forget to post again from time to time. Pencils ready? Draw!

Harry Rickard said...

Hi Nigel,
Is there anyway I could possibly get hold of you? I'm a keen cartoonist and I've spoken to many artists over the past few months about my artwork, these include Jamie Smart, Andy Fanton, The Etherington Brothers and Will Dawbarn. Could you check out my deviantART account as well: and e-mail me back what you think (
I work for a comic called the Wizzo, in the comic I'm both the editor and an artist, we've become quite popular (We made £84.00 selling Issue 1) here's our deviantART Wizzo Page:
Thanks, please try to e-mail me back...