This week's DANDY is epic! Lots of new stuff, and a 12 page Harry Hill adventure that ranges far and near with a huge cast of known and unknown extras! A three-eared joke-hating alien and a back-packing award-winning comedy star are but two of the added attractions and yet they charge only £1 more! Subscribers, however, are exempted from this surcharge! See what you're missing by not subscribing? And by direct debit it's even less costly!
Click here to find out more
These panels are from this week's story, co-written with Sean Baldwin, drawn by me and coloured as usual by 'H.H'.
And next week's Dandy is another epic, so instant subscribing may be the best way to tackle this purcahse too!
Excellent work Nigel. With your 12 pager, the debut of Jamie's 'Thingummyblob', Hunt Emerson, a two page Bananaman by Wayne Thomson and all the other good stuff this is the strongest issue yet since the revamp I think. What's not to like?
I could tell ya.
And you have, repeatedly, but the main opinions that matter are those from REAL kids. Nuff said.
You may even be right. Interesting, therefore, that the opinions of the majority of "real" kids are the same as mine - which is why they don't buy it.
While I believe I am no longer legally considered to be a 'kid', I can vouch for the fact that since the revamp the Dandy's weekly sales figures have risen by at least one.
I never, apart from a couple of issues (which confirmed I had made the right choice), bought the Dandy Xtreme. Quite apart from its lack of comic content, and the disappointing nature of such comics as were there, the single most off-putting thing about it was the price.
The week the Dandy doubled its production scehdule, refocused on comics, abolished non-free gifts, brought in new talent, started regularly rotating strips to keep things fresh, ditched the stupid magazine stuff, and reduced its cover price was indeed a great day for British comics. Sadly the Beano currently seems to be progressing in the opposite direction.
And as for REAL kids... take it outside, you two, and don't pollute other people's blogs with your little scrap as well.
"Scrap"? I'm only expressing my view in a humorous manner (can't speak for anybody else). I actually think the BEANO is by far the better of the two comics, going by this week's issue. (The first I've picked up since the over-priced Christmas edition.)
Why? Neat, tidy (in the main) layout, Consistent, legible lettering - and - it's just so darn nice to look at. A real pleasure to the eye.
It's probably worth noting that "Kid" (who isn't one, see the beard) has been following Lew around on the 'net for some time and seems to have something of an obsession with Lew in particular and any other comic professional who is currently working successfully. When Kid's provocative remarks are challenged (by anyone) he pulls the "only joking" card out of his hat.
It's probably worth noting that what MrProtext said is a pile of poo. I've no way of knowing where Mr. Stringer is likely to turn up, so I could hardly follow him even if I were so inclined. (Which I'm not.) Mr. Stringer hasn't been slow in the past in responding to my posts on other people's blogs, so the same could be said about him. As for obsession with "other" comics professionals currently working successfully - name one example. Same goes for provocative remarks being challenged. Those who insinuate that someone is posing as a pensioner in order to leave a remark on their blog - now THAT'S obsession, not to mention paranoia. Time for your reality pill, MrProtext.
(This time lucky, I hope. I kept noticing typos, hence the previous removals.)
Yup, thought so. "MrProtext" has failed to back up his false assertions with one example.
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