If that isn't enough for me to make her one of my favourite editors, how about: She always included copious reference material, gave as much notice as possible, and would fax or phone with ideas and compliments and suggestions.
Other people can offer more detailled stories about her, but I found her charming and thoughtful, and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be in comics today, she gave me back my enthusiasm (and a job!)

She sounds great and very good people skills..glad she gave you a break..
Indeed so Peter. I'm pleased to say that when Audrey was the editor of Ace Ventura Adventures she had Nigel draw one of my scripts. Nice job he did too!
I think I ended up being the main regular letterer on this comic, if memory serves. Now where did I put my back issues? Yes, she was very nice - a pleasure to work with.
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