Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Mapping Our Progress

In the last 22 months, me and Nika have done 22 Comic Cons or other events where our company
Red&Black Comics Ltd has sent us to draw, talk, give away free stuff and meet Beano fans. We've done Sunderland, Newcastle, Glasgow (twice), Kendal, York, Bolton, Southport, Liverpool, Manchester (City Centre and Trafford Park),  Birmingham, Belfast, Dublin, Cardiff, Reading, Exeter, Brighton, Bournemouth, London (Baker Street and Docklands) and Thessaloniki. And come to think of it I did a solo in Edinburgh in June too. Dunno where Nika was. Down the shops I expect.

In 2017 we're doing Birmingham and Enniskillen for sure, others to be announced or when and if we get invited. So if you've ever wanted to see us draw The Beano characters, and we haven't been to anywhere local to you, why not ask your neighbourhood Comic Con to ask us if we'll do it.   We probably will!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Dennis in Greece

 Phew! What an experience!
We knew we would like the people, the food, even the weather, after all, Nika lived there more than 15 years and I've visited there more than a dozen times, but we had no idea that one of our most exciting, friendly and enthusiastic Comic Cons of the past 22 months would be in the cool city of Thessaloniki, Greece!

Normally at Comic Cons we spend most of the day heads down, drawing, meeting Con-goers and sometimes doing presentations, interviews and masterclasses in drawing. Here, we did all that and more! The cartoon class was a spectacular success, everyone there did a great job and intently followed what I demonstrated, going on to create new drawings of their own! I must admit our two shows were both great, and I, modestly, was very entertaining in my way, as was Nika in her way. You can see our different ways above.

It was an excellent weekend of events and fascinating new comics and graphic novels, from Greece and France (the events were in the French Institute) most of which we don't see in Britain but are of world class standard and deserve to be seen more widely. Thanks Nick Roxx Ztar Dalampiras and all the guys, it was a very good event and we were pleased to be invited!  And thanks to my Thessaloniki pals for their help, great company and fantastic hair.


Monday, 5 December 2016

Spilling The Beans

I have decided to go ahead and spill some beans after years of being considerate and generous. I'm going to get a bit real on here. Soon!

Thursday, 1 December 2016

From Reading to Manchester

We went to Reading last weekend - very chilly spot!- and spent two days sitting next to and chatting with Living Legend Simon Donald, (him off the Viz magazine) There's one hard working fellow! This Saturday and Sunday we zoom over to Manchester, to the Sci Fi Con at Bowlers Trafford Park. where not only me and Nika but John Wagner and Carlos Esquerra will be saying hello to comic fans!